(LOT 377)
The Uncanny X-Men - WATA 9.6 A+ Sealed, NES, LJN 1989 USA
MARVELous!!!... The Uncanny X-Men, also known as Marvel's X-Men was developed for the Nintendo Entertainment System, released in 1989 and features multiple mutants, each with special powers, battling through six stages. Characters like Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Colossus, Nightcrawler and Iceman had to work together to complete each level and defeat each of the five bosses before needing to quickly go back before a bomb went off. The sixth level required them to defeat Magneto to complete the game. The game was received poorly by game reviewers in the end. The offered copy of The Uncanny X-Men has been encased and graded by WATA as 9.6 with an "A+" seal rating. This is the highest graded copy in the hobby with only three equals for this POP 4 game. It is listed with a first-party H-Seam as well.
MIN BID $5,000